StreetWorks Member and Partner Agencies work collaboratively to develop best practices, participate in shared training opportunities, attend monthly collaborative meetings, and coordinate outreach areas and schedules to ensure the most consistent services for youth. Membership is open to all youth-serving agencies throughout the metro.
StreetWorks Member and Partner Agencies include:
180 Degrees
180 Degrees Outreach Services are designed to prevent and disrupt youth homelessness.
All of 180 Degrees youth shelters (Brittany’s Place, Hope House, St. Cloud Youth Shelter, and VonWald Youth Shelter) have an onsite Outreach Worker who works directly with youth in the community.
Outreach Workers also build connections with youth-serving agencies in the community, strengthening the collective response to preventing, ending, and disrupting youth homelessness and youth sex trafficking.
Ain Dah Yung Center
Meaning “Our Home” in Ojibwe, Ain Dah Yung Center provides a healing place within the community for American Indian youth and families to thrive in safety and wholeness. Seven Programs: Emergency Shelter for youth 5–17 years old, Transitional Housing for youth 16–21, Permanent Supportive Housing for youth 18-24, Afterschool prevention programming, Family support services, Street Outreach, and Safe Harbor services.
Avenues for Youth
Avenues programs not only provide safe shelter and housing options for youth, but holistic supports to meet a youth’s mental, physical, and life-long goals. Youth are the drivers of their own journeys, and Avenues is there to walk alongside them during this part of their story. Their programs support youth in Minnesota who are 16-24 years old, and their children, who are experiencing homelessness.
Booth Brown House – Salvation Army
Short-term emergency shelter for youth 16-21. Case management and youth advocacy available.
The Bridge for Youth
Emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth, providing outreach services, family reunification counseling services, telephone and walk-in counseling and referral, and transitional living skills.
The Connect Center
Youth Connections Program and Drop-In Centers for youth 13-24 years of age. Services include assistance with basic needs, connections to resources, life skills, and holistic support. Drop-In Centers are located in Stillwater and Cottage Grove.
Full Cycle – Pillsbury United Communities
Full Cycle provides street-based outreach, a free bike program, paid youth apprenticeships, and food access for unhoused youth 24 years and under.
HOPE 4 Youth Drop-In Center in Anoka is the hub for a majority of our services for young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. It is a safe, non-judgmental place for youth of all backgrounds, races, and genders. No appointment is necessary to visit. Our Drop-In Center provides basic needs such as hot meals, grab and go foods, clothing, laundry facilities, a shower, and more. Additionally, we have on-site Case Managers to help connect youth to stable housing, health and wellness programs, education and employment opportunities, and more. Other services include HOPE Place transitional housing and a Host Home program.
Hope Street – Catholic Charities
Hope Street is a shelter for young people aged 18-24, offering supportive services including food, clothing, laundry, medical care, and case management.
Hope Street’s trauma-informed care model reflects the need to create a safe space for youth to receive support as they work towards the goal of stable housing. Case managers assist youth with medical care, mental and chemical health counseling, family reunification, parenting support and education, one-to-one educational assistance, life-skills training, and more.
The Link
The Street Outreach Program is made up of adult and youth staff members that go into the community where youth who are at-risk of homelessness, who are currently homeless and/or experiencing sexual exploitation congregate. The program provides the essential first step of building trusting relationships with youth and providing crisis intervention, basic needs supplies and connections to longer-term services including our C.O.R.E. Drop-In Center and housing programs.
For more than 26 years, we have helped young people land on their feet when things get too hard to face alone. MoveFwd supports homeless and at-risk kids and their families with quick-response, barrier-free, no-cost counseling and case management. We serve young people at the older end of the spectrum with our housing program and drop-in for everyone.
Oasis for Youth
Drop-in Center for youth ages 16-24. Resources and outreach are targeted toward youth who live, work or attend school in Bloomington, Richfield and Edina. Services include individualized case management, connections to resources, improved access to services and supports, and assistance with basic needs.
PRIDE Program – The Family Partnership
For more than 40 years, The Family Partnership PRIDE (Promoting Recovery, Independence, Dignity and Equality) program has provided support services to sexually exploited adults, youth and their families so they can live a life free of exploitation and abuse and move towards self-sufficiency.
Safe House – Lutheran Social Service of MN
Safe House is a short-term emergency shelter for youth ages 16-20 and is part of the continuum of Metro Homeless Youth Services that provide housing, case management, and independent living skills for youth in Ramsey County. Other programs include on-site transitional housing (Rezek), a scattered-site program (Transitional Living Project), and housing for 16 and 17 year-old moms and their babies (LifeHaven).
SafeZone – Face to Face
A resource drop-in center that provides food, clothing, medical care, GED, counseling, case management and outreach services to homeless and at-risk youth, ages 12–24. Drop-in Hours: Mon–Fri: 9am– 6pm
Wildflyer Coffee
Wildflyer Coffee is a non-profit coffee shop with two locations (Minneapolis and St.Paul). Our Work & Life Skills Program is an employment training program that hires youth experiencing homelessness or housing instability between the ages of 16 and 24. Program participants will work at Wildflyer Coffee for 4 months and partake in coffee training and workforce development to help them identify their interests and equip them to work towards a future of their choosing. Wildflyer hires 4x per year (Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall) utilizing a cohort model.
Women’s Advocates
Women’s Advocates provides 90-day shelter for individuals 18+ and families with minor children who are fleeing from domestic violence and supportive housing for those exiting our shelter as well as those experiencing violence in the community within the 7 County Metro. Outreach and Education staff present information about domestic and sexual violence in the form of tabling, open gender support groups, women-only support groups and free, online trainings. Women’s Advocates also offers Safe Harbor services for young adults 18+ who have been impacted by or are at risk of sexual exploitation/trafficking. For more information on how to access services, please call our Crisis Line at 651-227-8284.
YMCA Youth Intervention Services
Youth Intervention Services provides services to youth, aged 10-24, who are experiencing homelessness, at-risk, or precariously housed. Services include a youth resource line, transitional living programs, school and street-based outreach, and case management.
Drop-in center for homeless, runaway & sexually-exploited youth. Offering transitional housing, group & individual counseling, medical care, on–site educational program, support groups, cultural activities, food, clothing, recreation, laundry & showers.