Training Information & Assessor Tools

Coordinated Entry Assessor & Data Entry Training

For information on how to become a Coordinated Entry Assessor in the Suburban Metro Area Counties (SMAC – Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Scott, Washington) please reach out to:

For information on how to become a Coordinated Entry Assessor in Ramsey County, please reach out to:

  • Heather Clemen:

For information on how to become a Coordinated Entry Assessor in Hennepin County, please reach out to:


Handouts from previous Regional Coordinated Entry Assessor trainings:

In addition to completing training, all assessors must contact each Continuum of Care (CoC) in which they plan to provide assessments using the contact information below to register as/apply to be an assessor:

Region-wide Assessor Assessment Tools

Select and download most appropriate HMIS release form for your agency

Veteran Registration

Veteran Registry Referral Form :  Complete this form with a person who identifies as a veteran. Fax it to The Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs (MDVA) 1-218-346-2338 

Ramsey CoC Coordinated Entry Forms

Receipt to give to client after assessment: Ramsey-SMAC Housing Receipt Coordinated Entry Client Complaint From: Ramsey CoC Grievance and Appeal Form

SMAC (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Scott, Washington) Counties Coordinated Entry Forms

Hennepin CoC Coordinated Entry Forms

CE Assessor Training