Classroom 101 Registration Links
Important notice:
The StreetWorks Training Team is currently in the process of redeveloping our curriculum. We have conducted interviews and focus groups and learned that it is time to get clear on what we offer and to refine our training content.
To do this well means that we need to pause our training schedule through March 30, 2025. We are going to use this time to develop a clear, cohesive plan and revise our content to best meet what members of the community of youth workers in Minnesota have shared they need from us.
At this time, we do not have any more trainings scheduled. Training will resume with the redeveloped curriculum in April 2025. We will be sure to announce it closer to the date.
We are committed to understanding how to be the best possible partners within the ecosystem of youth workers in Minnesota, which also requires us to be sustainable in the process. However, we promise to come back with *even better* materials than what we already had!
Thank you for all the work you do and the trust you place in the StreetWorks Training Team.
Please reach out to the training team at for any questions or support.
IMPORTANT: Tickets for GreenBag OW track training are hidden on the Eventbrite registration page. Email for registration codes.
The StreetWorks Toolkit Training is designed for any professional who is working with youth at-risk of or experiencing homelessness and/or sexual exploitation, or who may encounter youth in their work. If you are a StreetWorks Collaborative Outreach Worker, visit the StreetWorks Outreach Worker Certification Training page.
In partnership with the State of Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Initiative, this training is designed to support youth workers across different communities and organizational settings. The classroom sessions will provide foundational principles that inform safe and effective work with clients experiencing or at-risk of homelessness and exploitation. This training is designed to be flexible to help professionals in a wide range of settings develop tools and strategies that meet the needs of youth in their contexts.
While the training was originally developed to train outreach workers in the Twin Cities specifically, the Toolkit training was adapted to train professionals from a variety of roles who do their work both in the Twin Cities and in communities across the state.
Training includes the following (on this page) before a trainee can earn their certificate of completion:
- Classroom 101
- Practical Toolkit Experience
- Classroom 201
- Certificate of Completion
- Training Registration
CLASSROOM 101: Foundational Principles
The Classroom 101 training occurs over four days and includes 20 hours of training covering the foundational principles that inform safe and effective work with youth experiencing or at-risk of homelessness and/or exploitation. The concepts introduced in the classroom will prepare the trainee for reflection and practice during the Practical Toolkit stage.
Classroom 101 Registration Links
- Future dates TBA
IMPORTANT: Tickets for GreenBag OW track training are hidden on the Eventbrite registration page. Email for registration codes.
PRACTICAL TOOLKIT EXPERIENCE: Observation and Exploration; Action and Application
Between the Classroom 101 and 201 sessions, trainees will return to their workplaces with a toolkit of resources to help support them to have conversations, practice skills, and lead change in their contexts with the goal of client-centered care. While not required, trainees are encouraged to put their classroom learning into practice: to observe their own and partner agencies practices, and to take a hands-on approach to apply their training around building partnerships and understanding systems. Trainees may reflect on their experiences applying classroom knowledge to practice in their contexts to help prepare them for the conversations in Classroom 201.
CLASSROOM 201: Reflection and Advanced Learning
The Classroom 201 training occurs over three days and includes 12 hours focused on combining the foundational learning from classroom 101 with the observations and experiences trainees have had in their settings. Trainees will have the opportunity to reflect and consult on their learning and action to better understand successes and challenges in their work. While new material will be introduced in 201, the focus of the second classroom is to dive deeper into the complexities of the earlier foundational principles, to explore how the principles work practically and realistically, and to test the trainee’s understanding using problem solving.
Please note: the Classroom 201 (below) sessions are the second part of a two-part training. As part of Classroom 101 registration, you will be prompted to pick a date for your Classroom 201. The StreetWorks Training team will then sign you up for your chosen session. The dates listed below are to help you plan your training schedule.
- Future dates TBA
After attending the Classroom 201, trainees will receive a certificate of completion. StreetWorks staff remain available to provide consultation and support as trainees move forward in putting their new knowledge into practice in their settings.

Training Registration
If you are anyone working with youth at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness and/or sexual exploitation (or other vulnerable populations), click on the links at the top of this page to register for the time and dates of your Classroom 101 and Classroom 201 trainings.
If you are a StreetWorks Outreach Worker (OW) or StreetWorks OW Supervisor, register by visiting the StreetWorks Outreach Worker Certification Training page.
Trainings are currently being offered virtually via Zoom. Training cost is $115 for all Toolkit Training participants. Payment is due at the time of registration for Classroom 101 and covers all training activities and materials. Scholarships may be available as needed. Please complete our StreetWorks Training Scholarship Application Form (PDF).
In-person and custom trainings
If you would like to request an in-person Toolkit training for your agency,* please fill out and submit the request form here. Someone from the training team will connect with you to go over the details. Be aware that StreetWorks does not have a physical location to host these trainings; your organization would need to provide the space to hold the class.
*StreetWorks is not able to host in-person trainings for individuals.
If you’d like a custom training (e.g., de-escalation, safe harbor, etc.), you can find that form here. As with the in-person training, after we’ve had a chance to review your request a member of the training team will reach out to coordinate further steps.
Please contact the training team at for questions about the training.