<< StreetWorks Training Archive
Funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services Office of Economic Opportunity, StreetWorks conducted focus groups with youth at-risk of and/or experiencing homelessness and/or exploitation and the service providers that work with youth across Minnesota. The following reports contain invaluable feedback and information from the focus groups.
StreetWorks Youth Focus Group Report:
In 2016/17, StreetWorks conducted a series of focus groups and interviews with sexually exploited youth, to gain insight into their perceptions about Outreach Workers, current trends in exploitation, and knowledge about resources and Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Network of Services for at-risk and sexually exploited. Given the hidden nature of commercial sexual exploitation, it can be difficult to gain firsthand information. Yet, it is imperative to hear about experiences directly from youth to help understand key issues, to improve programming, and develop strategies for future outreach. In addition, we intentionally sought out the participation of underserved and underrepresented youth populations. The information gained through this process influences and informs all aspects of our work, including the StreetWorks Certification Training Toolkit Overview for youth serving professionals.
StreetWorks Greater Minnesota Focus Group Summary:
StreetWorks Greater Minnesota Focus Group Summary:
Youth experiencing homelessness are at increased risk of sexual exploitation. To expand support for youth experiencing homelessness in Minnesota, in 2018/19, StreetWorks conducted focus groups at five sites in Greater Minnesota. The goal of these focus groups was to determine needs of youth and youth workers in rural areas.
The reports above share findings from the five focus groups.