How to Get a Job (Even if You Have No Experience)

Stories from 6 Young People in the Twin Cities

how to get a job with no experience, in the minneapolis st paul area

Getting your first (or second, or third) job can be tough. Your own drive to succeed is important, but it also pays to network and ask for help when you know you need it. 

Check out these stories of local young people who have partnered with agencies to jumpstart their careers. We hope they inspire some new ideas during your job search!


I found my job thanks to Job Corps. It’s a federally funded program and as long as you qualify, you don’t have to pay a dime and they provide food, housing and job training and a bi-weekly allowance, all you have to do is show up.

I was in the program for about a year and with their connection, I got a job doing clerical work for the railroad and get paid more than most people do, even people that have degrees. A big benefit for me is that I don’t have to pay back student loans. – Janice


I found my job with Duall Services while I was working with the Tree Trust Young Adult Conservation Corps. I would see Duall trucks driving around and working inside the houses I would work on and it seemed like it might be interesting to work with them. I had expressed interest about Duall to my crew leader at Tree Trust, so when I graduated from the Tree Trust YACC program, they got me an interview. Tree Trust promised to get me an interview and delivered on their promise like they said.

Before that, I would wake up really early every day to fill out job applications everywhere. Tree Trust had helped me create a resume and I made sure it was up-to-date. Also, I would always follow up with cover letters showing my appreciation for interviews. There was so much more I could’ve done. However thanks to the good word that Tree Trust put in for me at Duall Services I was grateful to get hired on the spot. – Prescott


While attending job search activities at HIRED, I learned about the opportunity for my job through my employment counselor. He informed me that the employer was having a job fair at the workforce center, and was doing interviews the same day. I was asked to come in early by my counselor to get prepped for the interview.

I was notified a few days later that I got the position. I’ve been employed with the company for 4 months now. From the experience on this job I was able to obtain another full time job earning $12.00 per hour. Before enrolling at HIRED YouthLead, I didn’t have a resume; I had completed numerous applications without any success, and no follow up in place. Now I have the work skills in place to be competitive in job search.– Aaron 


I tried searching online for jobs in Minneapolis, job specific search engines, places with “now hiring” signs, and places I’d like to work. I’ve been interested in bikes since I was a little kid. So, I just stopped into Full Cycle and asked if they were hiring.

My friend told me about the shop, and we went in together.  Through Full Cycle, I got a job at Quality Bike Products. The Full Cycle staff gave me a reference after we took a tour of the company. – Fox


The Jobs Coordinator at the school I was attending (MNIC: Unity) informed me about the Full Cycle program and helped me apply.

The staff at Full Cycle told me that House of Hunger needed people to pass out flyers in the neighborhood. I wanted to work for them, and I feel that my hard work flyering proved that. The staff at House of Hunger said I did such a good job that they decided to hire me on to work part-time. – Dustun


At first I didn’t know what I was getting myself into; I was nervous and thought Twin Cities RISE! was just another program. Taking the classes at RISE! gave me new skills. I knew my value and know that I was a productive member of society and I did have something to contribute. Working with my coaches brought a lot of that out of me and helped me find new possibilities and gave me momentum and new direction.  

The people at Twin Cities RISE! never gave up on me. That was the major difference between me being there and any other place I’d been at. The hardest part is never giving up, but if you are serious about making your life change, you have to be consistent and do your part as well.

Street art photography by Aaaarrrrggh on Flickr